Updated 8.22.2022
We will no longer be accepting paper receipts.
Receipts should be submitted for reimbursement no later than 60 days except for reimbursements for the “Teacher Supply Stipend” which should only submitted once annually.
Deadline for ALL reimbursements is APRIL 30.
Complete the online form (click on button above)
E-mail all receipts, invoices, or approved purchase order (by a board member) to
All substantiating documents should be address to FPRCS and include the following information:
Vendor/Payee name and address (W-9 if necessary)
Reference number (i.e. invoice#, quote#, subscription#)
Email and/or phone number
Payment due date
Payment amount
Person who is ordering (name of teacher/staff/director)
If requested on the form, the signatures of both parties: vendor and FPRCS)
Please allow at least 2 – 4 weeks for checks to be prepared. (match the invoice to budget, reimbursement form, email request, print/sign/mail checks).
Please try to submit multiple expenses at the same time whenever possible (within the 60 day time period)
Please e-mail any questions to