DIAMOND- $10,000 and above
Personalized 48” x 72” Corporate banner prominently displayed on main school entry gates on Mason and Sesnon for 1 calendar year (based on date of payment – not school year)
Full page ad in all Digital School Newsletters* (the “Howl”) for school year with link to landing page of choice
Listing on Booster Sponsor page for school year with link to landing page of choice
Social Media Blast 8 times per year (Facebook/IG)
Donor Thank You Dinner
Option to drive additional community business to your company by way of a promotion/special offer/discount from your business featured on our Sponsor Offers page, with link to landing page of your choice
PLATINUM- $5,000+
Personalized 48” x 72” Corporate banner prominently displayed on choice of school front entry on Mason or entry on Sesnon for 1 calendar year (based on date of payment – not school year) Would you like a banner on both sides of the school? Upgrade your sponsorship package to Platinum Plus for an additional $2500.
Listing on Booster Sponsor page for school year, with link to landing page of choice
½ page ad in all Digital School Newsletters* (the “Howl”) for the year with link to landing page of choice
Social Media Blast 6 times per year (Facebook/IG)
Donor Thank You Dinner
Option to drive additional community business to your company by way of a promotion/special offer/discount from your business featured on our Sponsor Offers page, with link to landing page of your choice
GOLD- $2,500+
Personalized 36” x 60” Corporate banner prominently displayed either in carpool line off Mason* or on school gate along Sesnon for 1 calendar year (based on date of payment – not school year) Would you like a banner on both sides of the school? Upgrade your sponsorship package to Gold Plus for an additional $1250.
Listing on Booster Directory page for school year with link to landing page of choice
¼ page ad in all Digital School Newsletters* (the “Howl”) for the year with link to landing/business page of choice
Social Media Blast 5 times per year (Facebook/IG)
Option to drive additional community business to your company by way of a promotion/special offer/discount from your business featured on our Sponsor Offers page, with link to landing page of your choice
SILVER - $1,500+
Personalized 30” x 48” Corporate banner prominently displayed either in carpool line off Mason* or on school gate along Sesnon for 1 calendar year (based on date of payment-not school year) Would you like a banner on both sides of the school? Upgrade your sponsorship package to Silver Plus for an additional $750.
Listing in Booster Sponsor page gallery for school year with link to landing page of choice
1/8th page ad in all Digital School Newsletters* (the “Howl”) for the year with link to landing page of choice
Social Media Blast 4 times per year (Facebook/IG)
Option to drive additional community business to your company by way of a promotion/special offer/discount from your business featured on our Sponsor Offers page, with link to landing page of your choice
BRONZE- $750+
Listed as a Friends of PRCS Sponsor (along with other Bronze sponsors) on Group Banner displayed in carpool line for 1 calendar year (based on date of payment – not school year)
Listing in Booster Sponsor Directory gallery for school year with link to landing page of choice
Mention in all Digital School Newsletters* (the “Howl”) for the year with link to landing page of choice
Social Media Blast 3 times per year (Facebook/IG)
Full Page $1000
Half Page $500
¼ PAGE $250
*Coyote Howl = digital newsletter emailed to all parents weekly
*Carpool Banners are hung throughout the carpool line of the school and will be seen by thousands of cars and people daily